More transparency with smart contract management - with Sebastian Wengryn from ContractHero
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"Anyone who still manages their contracts manually these days is not only wasting their own time, but also that of their employees." In the latest episode of "Thanks for Shopping!", Sebastian Wengryn, founder of ContractHero, finds clear words when he sums up the bureaucratic administrative jungle in former stages of his career.
Sebastian completed his international business studies in Madrid and Reutlingen. Through his many years of sales experience in locations such as London and Berlin, he has noticed above all that confusing contract archives and filing systems can often unnecessarily hinder and even jeopardize the work of companies. His appeal therefore underlines the need for intelligent and digital contract management.
With ContractHero, Wengryn has taken on a niche that has received little attention to date. Its aim is to free companies from the "contract jungle" and provide them with a fast, secure, automated and precise overview of their contracts and the important information they contain.
But how do the contracts get to ContractHero in the first place? And how is the sensitive metadata of the contracts secured? In this episode of "Thanks for Shopping!", Sebastian tells our podcast hosts Saravanan Sundaram and Nadja Müller about the needs that lead customers to ContractHero, how smart contract management works in detail and what other functions and benefits the software offers companies.