
minubo brings order to data chaos - with Andreas Fischer

Isabelle Broszat

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Data, data and more data - in companies it can be very diverse, but also confusing. Collecting, visualizing and evaluating this data in dashboards is essential for the success and future of any company. Andreas Fischer, CEO of minubo, knows this too. In the latest episode of Thanks for Shopping, Andreas explains to our podcast hosts Nadja Müller and Saravanan Sundaram how the all-in-one business intelligence software aims to bring structure and transparency to the data echo chamber of e-commerce companies.

Before his current position as CEO at minubo, Andreas worked at studiVZ and finally had his final entry into the start-up world as co-founder of the curated shopping provider Modomoto. Thanks to his experience in the field of e-commerce, Andreas knows what is important in an "All In One Business Intelligence Solution": company optimization through the central backup and transparent evaluation of company data from all areas of the company. Or as Andreas himself describes it: "minubo turns data chaos into business outcome". minubo is particularly interesting for e-commerce retailers and medium-sized companies, as the data analysis program helps to optimize marketing processes, increase the efficiency of the company and react to changes in the market accordingly.

In the new episode of Thanks for Shopping, Andreas discusses the structure and application of the data program and explains why transparency and data accessibility should be on the agenda for every online retailer and illustrates how the application can help with the multichannel and trend-oriented expansion of your online store.

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