
MOTATOS reduces food waste - with Alexander Holzknecht

Isabelle Broszat

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The cucumber is too crooked, the label is damaged or the best-before date is dangerously close - nowadays, more and more food ends up in the bin before it even reaches the supermarket. Our guest Alexander Holzknecht, Head of Motatos Germany, knows that none of this has anything to do with the edibility of the product. The German-Swedish company sells food at a low price that would not have made it into regular stores for various reasons and is thus trying to revolutionize the way we deal with our societal food waste.

In conversation with our podcast hosts Saravanan Sundaram and Nadja Müller, Holzknecht sheds light on the system behind the throwaway society, uncovers common consumer misconceptions and explains how Motatos is able to fill a gaping hole in the recycling chain. "There is probably no manufacturer that has 100 percent recycling efficiency," says Holzknecht. This is exactly where Motato comes in, offering a platform for surplus and "scarce goods". In order to optimize effective interaction between food producers and platforms such as Motato, Alexander Holzknecht calls above all for more transparency on the food market.

How the company has anchored sustainability not just as a sales argument, but as an integral part of its corporate DNA, how broken spaghetti SAVED-Fussili and why Motatos will not become multichannel anytime soon, you can find out in the latest episode of "Thanks for Shopping".

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