
Holistic solutions for e-commerce - with Tim Arlt from Händlerbund

Isabelle Broszat

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The most successful company stories are the ones that arise unexpectedly - this is roughly how the Händlerbund can be summarized. While at the beginning in 2008 it was mainly warnings that lawyer and founder Andreas Arlt dealt with, the topics that e-commerce companies now have to deal with are almost limitless: International tax laws, marketplaces, data protection or payment methods. This is exactly what Händlerbund, Europe's largest online retail association, covers and also represents the interests of the industry at a political level.

"This allows our members to focus on their actual business," explains Tim Arlt, who has now taken over from his father. In the latest episode of our podcast, he talks about the lessons they have learned over the past twelve years and how the association has grown into a community in which almost everyone knows each other - and continues to grow.

With their services and training offers, they provide over 80,000 online retailers and have grown to 300 employees. In addition, their own editorial team provides information on the latest news on e-commerce topics, law and digital tech on their portal "Online retailer news".  

"It's part of making mistakes, repeating them and learning from them - that's exactly what has helped us move forward," says Arlt. Find out why you have to hand over some tasks in order to achieve better results and what Arlt thinks about the future of blockchain in e-commerce in our new "Thanks for Shopping" episode.

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